612 Hong Kong Commemorative Museum


by 612 Hong Kong Vision 香港動力

Contact :+44 7728330861 Dr. Philip Woo

The Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement (Anti-ELAB Movement) that happened during February 2019 to December 2019. We know that the movement has not yet met its end . The book of Fighting Against Tyranny is aims at revealing the truth behind the movement. Any feedback and comments are highly appreciated and will be considered when we are writing our sequels.

All the words and photos included in this website are our accusation against tyranny and police brutality. These are all concrete evidence that no one can deny their authenticity. This website will be a record of our collective memories.

Witnessing the revolution of the times, this website and exhibition can be passed to your next generation or as a collection. We encourage everyone to have a copy of it, not only for reading but also for commemorating.

May God's glory lighten our Hong Kong.

1000000 Hong Kong Citizen to demnstration at June 9, 2019
2000001 Hong Kong Citizen to demnstration at June 16, 2019
1600000 Hong Kong Citizen to demnstration at June 12, 2019

Fighting Against Tyranny, by Agni Woo




Fifth Years Commemorative
We never forget Liberate Hong Kong


5 Years Commemorative of
Anti-Extraditional Amendment Bill Movement Hong Kong 2019-2024

6月9 日至12日


Exhibition Event on June 9-12 at

London of UK and Vancouver of Canada

Never forget

Liberate Hong Kong

Present by 612Hong Kong Vision

Contact: info@612hkexhibition.org.uk


612 Hong Kong Commemorative Museum




612香港動力創辦人: 烈火 (暴政下的抗爭作者) 2023年1月

612 Hong Kong Memorial Exhibition Center is a commemorative exhibition center established by 612 Hong Kong Vision. Our purpose is to show the background, process, and subsequent development of Hong Kong’s 2019 anti-extradition movement to the world. Images, texts and videos are displayed to the world.

Although Hong Kong people have been suppressed by the CCP and this movement has been suppressed, the will of Hong Kong people to recover Hong Kong has not been suppressed, and the determination to recover Hong Kong still persists. This campaign resulted in the killing of hundreds of young people by the tyranny and the arrest of nearly 10,000 people. Some of those arrested were sent to mainland China for detention. Millions of people across Hong Kong participated in the campaign. After the Hong Kong movement, the CCP took over Hong Kong, abolished the Sino-British Joint Declaration, established the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, and completely disappeared Hong Kong’s democracy and freedom. We hope to tell the truth to the whole world about the various inhuman acts of rule that this tyranny has imposed on Hong Kong people, and tell everyone the truth with pictures, words, and videos.

We plan to build a permanent exhibition center, make this fact a history, educate the next generation, and hope that the world will care about it, and hope that history will not repeat itself. We plan to raise 400 pounds to build this center, and now we hope everyone will support it. In terms of content, we have photos, videos and objects provided by different people to witness this historical fact. We hope to set up the center in London. After the recovery of Hong Kong in the future, we will also set up another center in Hong Kong. I hope everyone will support you.

612 Founder of Hong Kong Vision:

AgniWoo (Author of Fighting Against Tyranny) January 2023

暴政成為事實 抗爭就成為義務

When Tyranny is fact Resistance become duty

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